Sunday, September 30, 2012

Month in Review: September 2012

After two months of minimal e-mail contact with my blogging partner and one brief collaboration to reiterate that this is still our blog, I gave up on new content and just let other people write for Exfanding instead. Guest posting saved the day, as September was quite possibly my weakest blogging month in Exfanding's history: emotionally drained from the holding pattern I'm in until Alex returns, and focused more on other creative projects, I really didn't have much to share.

Still, I did have something to share, and there were the aforementioned guest posts:

- Sunday Spotlight on guest posting and The Backloggery

- A guest review of Batman: Arkham Asylum and its sequel Arkham City, discussing how the Dark Knight saved licensed games
Forty-six ways Star Trek changed my life, in honor of Star Trek's 46th anniversary

- A guest review of the film Enemy Mine, as told through the lens of a Star Trek fan

- An honest update of where things stand and where they're going with this blog

- Rumination on how my late nights have changed since college and high school

- A collection of humorously honest movie trailers

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