Sunday, December 5, 2010

Review: Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier

Remember how I used to write reviews of games such as Mighty Bomb Jack and Space Quest V for GameFAQs? Well, that's the kind of thing that got me noticed by GameCola, so I started writing for them instead.

However, I'm a completionist; I set out to review the entire Space Quest series on GameFAQs, and that's exactly what I've done with my review of Space Quest 6. At long last, the saga is complete. Except for the fangames I haven't covered.

Is Space Quest 6 the best of the best? Is it a satisfying conclusion? Is it at least a little funny? IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW. Unless you read my review. There is no other way.

For more of my contributions to GameFAQs--reviews, screenshots, and walkthroughs of games with very little coverage--check out this wonderful link.

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