It hasn't been the best couple of weeks for me or for my family, but I'll get into that some other time. Mostly because I can't bring myself to write about it, just yet.
In time, though.
As for today, well, I'm trying to get things back to normal. At work, at least, things seem to be normally insane, so there's that to keep me warm at night. I literally have piles of things on my desk, and on my floor, and on the empty desk in the empty cube next to mine; all things that I need to get done sooner rather than later.
All things that probably will take much longer to do than the time I've allowed for myself to do them in.
But despite this overwhelming feeling that I should just run as fast as I can to the nearest exit, I wanted to share the following with you, because it made me smile, and I hope it makes you smile, too.
A lot of things were reported coming out of Comic-Con a couple of weeks ago, and this little item managed to get lost in the shuffle. According to a number of sources (including Bleeding Cool), a little boy became separated from his father during the show.
He was scared, and he needed help. And, at Comic-Con, who do you turn to when you're scared and you need help?
The Flash and Wonder Woman, of course.

Back tomorrow with more.
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