Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's Saturday, and All Is Well

Okay, folks, Nathaniel and I think we have this blogging thing figured out now. Nathaniel will fill you all in tomorrow about our plans moving forward, and we're hoping you guys dig them. So stay tuned for the next 24 hours, okay?

As for today, I just have to post up this video of the latest episode of the WWE YouTube show I help write. I'm particularly proud of this week's show, because it's so, so different than anything we've tried before, and, really, it's pretty Out There ... and I am a big fan of Out There.

We're starting to get some really great feedback from fans about the show, and I'm stoked about the next couple weeks. After that? Well, we'll see, but hopefully we get to stay on board for a while. We knew going in that our writing on the show would be temporary, but we're at a point now where we're hoping "temporary" means another month or two.

We can't control all that, but the more views we get on the episodes, the better. So, yeah. Pretty please take a look ... and, um, you know, thanks, Exfanders, as always. Enjoy!

Oh, also. Looking at the comments on YouTube, this week's show is universally hated by the fans. So that's what I get for being positive for once. Yay.

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