And read it he has.
However, before Nathaniel launches into his official review of the series, he asked me if I would be so kind as to write a short intro about the book, which, of course, is my favorite comic of all time.
So I will try. Now, I've written about The Goon before, and even on an official comic review site, and you can check that article out right here. I point to this article (for the umpteenth time) because I like the way I described the series in its opening paragraph.
But, to simply link to an article already written would be cheating and, as you may have noted yesterday, I managed to cheat quite a bit on my Empire Strikes Back "review." So, instead I will write an introduction proper for, in my opinion, the best comic book on stands today.
However, since I have tried in the past to convince Exfanding readers to pick up the book, and I've talked about some plot elements and things, I figure this post would be best served as a how-to guide for getting started with the series.
So, let's begin with the obvious question, then.
"What is The Goon?" you may be asking. "Well," I'd answer, "I'm not quite sure, actually. I mean, it's a lot of things, really."

The Goon is a strange mix of horror and noir wrapped up in a monster smash-up comic of the past, all thrown together with elements of the classic gangster story and avant-garde humor.
And it's all drawn (beautifully, hauntingly, and hysterically) by Eric Powell, who is also the writer and creator of the series.
The Goon, which reaches its tenth anniversary issue in March, is handily collected into trades, starting with Volume Zero: Rough Stuff, which features Powell's earliest Goon stories.
Now, compared to later volumes, the art in this trade might be considered a bit rough at the edges (hence the name) but the stories are a great peek into the twisted mind of Eric Powell, and story points that recur throughout the series are raised.

Now, the next trade, Volume 2: My Murderous Childhood, is where the action really picks up. This trade, and all subsequent volumes, comprise the Dark Horse run of Goon issues, and the real story starts here.

Now that you know where to start, I think I'd like to briefly say why I love this series so much. It is one of very few comics out there that I read on a month-to-month basis that I also pick up in trade form. Now, while some may think it's simply crazy-talk to buy something twice, I'll say this in my defense--because I own the trades, I can give them out to friends and hopefully get them hooked on comics. That's how much faith I have that people will like this book if they would give it a shot.
So there.
And I can proudly say that The Goon is the only comic I have ever managed to collect a complete run of, and quite frankly, it is the only book I've ever felt the need to seriously collect.
I love The Goon because of its horror undertones, and its great characterization, and its beautiful and unique art and its avant-garde style, and its laugh-out-loud hilarity. So, if you're tired of the overabundance of superhero-fare out on the market today, or you simply want to try something completely different, then I encourage you to pick up one of the trades, or even a single issue off the stands.
And now that I can't yell anymore from my soapbox, we'll end with a quick announcement. Sometime in the very near future, Nathaniel will post his review of the series, and his impressions on the comic. (And he better have liked it. All I'm sayin')
But for now, I'd like to leave you with this page from issue 8 of the series. (Enlarged for your convenience.)
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